POST api/Documents/SearchEVault/Download
Download a CSV file of eVault search results based on the search criteria.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The eVault search criteria model.
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.Documents.EVaultSearchCriteriaName | Description | Type | Additional information |
IncludeFoldersInSearch |
gets or sets a value indicating whether to include folders in the search. |
boolean |
None. |
FolderName |
Gets or sets the folder name. |
string |
None. |
ClientId |
Gets or sets property to search by client identifier when an organization administrator is performing a document search. |
integer |
None. |
OrganizationId |
Gets or sets property to search by organization identifier. |
integer |
None. |
DocumentTypeId |
Gets or sets property to search by document type identifier. |
integer |
None. |
DocumentName |
Gets or sets property to search by document name. |
string |
Max length: 150 |
UDF1 |
Gets or sets property to search by a first user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
UDF2 |
Gets or sets property to search by a second user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
UDF3 |
Gets or sets property to search by a third user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
Signed |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for signed documents. |
boolean |
None. |
SignerFirstName |
Gets or sets property to search by signer first name. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
SignerLastName |
Gets or sets property to search by signer last name. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Gets or sets property to search by MIN. |
string |
Max length: 18 |
LoanIdentifier |
Gets or sets property to search by loan identifier. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
IsSmartDoc |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for Smart Documents. |
boolean |
None. |
ENotary |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for eNotary documents. |
boolean |
None. |
PrintAndSign |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for Print and Sign documents. |
boolean |
None. |
ERegistryStatus |
Gets or sets the property to search by eRegistryStatus when SmartRegistry is enabled. |
string |
None. |
SigningRoomName |
Gets or sets the signing room name. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
SigningRoomActionTypeId |
Gets or sets the signing room action type id. |
integer |
None. |
TransferableRecord |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for documents marked as a transferable record. |
boolean |
None. |
AuthoritativeCopy |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for documents marked as the authoritative copy. |
boolean |
None. |
PreviousAuthoritativeCopy |
Gets or sets whether to include previous authoritative copy documents. |
boolean |
None. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for pdfs. |
boolean |
None. |
CreatedStartDate |
Gets or sets the created start date. |
date |
None. |
CreatedEndDate |
Gets or sets the created end date. |
date |
None. |
IncludeArchived |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include or exclude documents marked as archived. |
boolean |
None. |
ExcludeSigningRoomArchived |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for documents not marked as archived and in a signing room. |
boolean |
None. |
ExcludeSigningRoomDocuments |
Gets or sets the property indicating whether to exclude signing room documents. |
boolean |
None. |
ExcludeDocumentIds |
Gets or sets the document identifiers to exclude. |
Collection of integer |
None. |
ExcludeLinkedDocuments |
Gets or sets whether to exclude linked documents. |
boolean |
None. |
MISMOVersionIdentifiers |
Gets or sets the MISMO Version Identifiers. |
Collection of string |
None. |
ParentFolderName |
Gets or sets the folder name. |
string |
None. |
SecuredInterestStartDate |
Gets or sets the secured interest start date. |
date |
None. |
SecuredInterestEndDate |
Gets or sets the secured interest end date. |
date |
None. |
SystemDocument |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search only for system documents. |
boolean |
None. |
PageSize |
Gets or sets the number of rows in the page. |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647 |
PageOffset |
Gets or sets the offset page to return. |
integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "IncludeFoldersInSearch": true, "FolderName": "sample string 2", "ClientId": 1, "OrganizationId": 1, "DocumentTypeId": 1, "DocumentName": "sample string 3", "UDF1": "sample string 4", "UDF2": "sample string 5", "UDF3": "sample string 6", "Signed": true, "SignerFirstName": "sample string 7", "SignerLastName": "sample string 8", "MIN": "sample string 9", "LoanIdentifier": "sample string 10", "IsSmartDoc": true, "ENotary": true, "PrintAndSign": true, "ERegistryStatus": "sample string 11", "SigningRoomName": "sample string 12", "SigningRoomActionTypeId": 1, "TransferableRecord": true, "AuthoritativeCopy": true, "PreviousAuthoritativeCopy": true, "IsPDF": true, "CreatedStartDate": "2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00", "CreatedEndDate": "2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00", "IncludeArchived": true, "ExcludeSigningRoomArchived": true, "ExcludeSigningRoomDocuments": true, "ExcludeDocumentIds": [ 1, 2 ], "ExcludeLinkedDocuments": true, "MISMOVersionIdentifiers": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "ParentFolderName": "sample string 17", "SecuredInterestStartDate": "2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00", "SecuredInterestEndDate": "2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00", "SystemDocument": true, "PageSize": 1, "PageOffset": 18 }
application/xml, text/xml
<EVaultSearchCriteria xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <PageOffset xmlns="">18</PageOffset> <PageSize xmlns="">1</PageSize> <AuthoritativeCopy>true</AuthoritativeCopy> <ClientId>1</ClientId> <CreatedEndDate>2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00</CreatedEndDate> <CreatedStartDate>2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00</CreatedStartDate> <DocumentName>sample string 3</DocumentName> <DocumentTypeId>1</DocumentTypeId> <ENotary>true</ENotary> <ERegistryStatus>sample string 11</ERegistryStatus> <ExcludeDocumentIds xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:long>1</d2p1:long> <d2p1:long>2</d2p1:long> </ExcludeDocumentIds> <ExcludeLinkedDocuments>true</ExcludeLinkedDocuments> <ExcludeSigningRoomArchived>true</ExcludeSigningRoomArchived> <ExcludeSigningRoomDocuments>true</ExcludeSigningRoomDocuments> <IncludeArchived>true</IncludeArchived> <IsPDF>true</IsPDF> <IsSmartDoc>true</IsSmartDoc> <LoanIdentifier>sample string 10</LoanIdentifier> <MIN>sample string 9</MIN> <MISMOVersionIdentifiers xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </MISMOVersionIdentifiers> <OrganizationId>1</OrganizationId> <ParentFolderName>sample string 17</ParentFolderName> <PreviousAuthoritativeCopy>true</PreviousAuthoritativeCopy> <PrintAndSign>true</PrintAndSign> <SecuredInterestEndDate>2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00</SecuredInterestEndDate> <SecuredInterestStartDate>2025-02-20T14:38:21.0712134-05:00</SecuredInterestStartDate> <Signed>true</Signed> <SignerFirstName>sample string 7</SignerFirstName> <SignerLastName>sample string 8</SignerLastName> <SigningRoomActionTypeId>1</SigningRoomActionTypeId> <SigningRoomName>sample string 12</SigningRoomName> <SystemDocument>true</SystemDocument> <TransferableRecord>true</TransferableRecord> <UDF1>sample string 4</UDF1> <UDF2>sample string 5</UDF2> <UDF3>sample string 6</UDF3> <FolderName>sample string 2</FolderName> <IncludeFoldersInSearch>true</IncludeFoldersInSearch> </EVaultSearchCriteria>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
The CSV file of eVault search results.
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.Shared.FileDownloadModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
File |
Gets or sets the file to be downloaded. |
Collection of byte |
None. |
FileName |
Gets or sets the name of the file to be downloaded. |
string |
None. |
MimeType |
Gets or sets the mime type of the file to be downloaded. |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "File": "QEA=", "FileName": "sample string 1", "MimeType": "sample string 2" }
application/xml, text/xml
<FileDownloadModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <File>QEA=</File> <FileName>sample string 1</FileName> <MimeType>sample string 2</MimeType> </FileDownloadModel>