GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument
Gets all information for the SmartDocument.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
documentId |
Id of the document. |
integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
SmartDocument object.
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
SmartDocumentId |
Gets or sets the SmartDocumentId. |
integer |
None. |
CategoryType |
Gets or sets the CategoryType. |
string |
None. |
IsCategoryOne |
Gets a value indicating whether the SmartDocument is Category 1. |
boolean |
None. |
Profile |
Gets or sets the profile. |
string |
None. |
Type |
Gets or sets the Type. |
string |
None. |
StateType |
Gets or sets the StateType. |
string |
None. |
Gets or sets the MIN. |
string |
None. |
LoanIdentifier |
Gets or sets the LoanIdentifier. |
string |
None. |
StreetAddress |
Gets or sets the street address. |
string |
None. |
City |
Gets or sets the city. |
string |
None. |
State |
Gets or sets the state. |
string |
None. |
PostalCode |
Gets or sets the postal code. |
string |
None. |
County |
Gets or sets the county. |
string |
None. |
LoanAmount |
Gets or sets the loan amount. |
string |
None. |
NoteRate |
Gets or sets the note rate. |
string |
None. |
OriginationDate |
Gets or sets the origination date. |
date |
None. |
CurrentSmartDocumentRegistration |
Gets or sets the current SmartDocument registration information. |
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentRegistrationModel |
None. |
PreviousSmartDocumentRegistration |
Gets or sets the previous SmartDocument registration information. |
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentRegistrationModel |
None. |
SmartDocumentBorrowers |
Gets or sets a list of SmartDocument borrowers. |
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentBorrowerModel |
None. |
SmartDocumentSigners |
Gets or sets a list of SmartDocument signers. |
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentSignerModel |
None. |
AuditTrail |
Gets or sets a list of SmartDocument audit trail. |
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentAuditTrailModel |
None. |
SmartDocumentDataList |
Gets or sets a list of SmartDocument data objects. |
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.SmartDocumentDataModel |
None. |
SmartDocumentExternalReferences |
Gets or sets a list of SmartDocument external references. |
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartDocuments.ExternalReferenceModel |
None. |
SignatureLines |
Gets or sets the list of signature lines. |
Collection of string |
None. |
SignatureValidationIndicator |
Gets or sets the signature validation indicator. |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessages |
Gets or sets the list of error messages. |
Collection of string |
None. |
IsRegistered |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart document has been registered. |
boolean |
None. |
RegistrationDate |
Gets or sets the date the document was registered. |
date |
None. |
InquiryDate |
Gets or sets the date of last inquiry for the SmartDocument |
date |
None. |
BorrowerInformationRequired |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether borrower information is required. |
boolean |
None. |
DocumentId |
Gets or sets the document identifier. |
integer |
None. |
ClientId |
Gets or sets the document's client identifier. |
integer |
None. |
SigningRoomId |
Gets or sets the document's SigningRoom identifier. |
integer |
None. |
DocumentTypeId |
Gets or sets the document's document type identifier. |
integer |
None. |
DocumentType |
Gets or sets the document's document type. |
string |
None. |
DocumentGuid |
Gets or sets the document's GUID. |
string |
Max length: 128 |
DocumentName |
Gets or sets the document's name. |
string |
Required Max length: 256 |
Description |
Gets or sets the document's description. |
string |
Max length: 500 |
PageCount |
Gets or sets the document's page count. |
integer |
None. |
FileExtension |
Gets or sets the document's file extension. |
string |
Max length: 10 |
MimeType |
Gets or sets the document's mime type. |
string |
None. |
Gets a value indicating whether the document is a PDF. |
boolean |
None. |
UDF1 |
Gets or sets the first user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
UDF2 |
Gets or sets the second user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
UDF3 |
Gets or sets the third user defined field. |
string |
Max length: 256 |
Signed |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether at least one document signer has signed the document. |
boolean |
None. |
SigningComplete |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all document signers have signed the document. |
boolean |
None. |
ClientName |
Gets or sets the name of the client that the document is associated to. |
string |
None. |
SigningRoomName |
Gets or sets the name of the SigningRoom that the document is associated to. |
string |
None. |
HasAnnotations |
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the document has annotations. |
boolean |
None. |
HasSigners |
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the document has any signers. |
boolean |
None. |
Reviewed |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether at least one document reviewer who is required to review the document has reviewed the document. |
boolean |
None. |
ReviewingComplete |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the document is completely reviewed by those required to. |
boolean |
None. |
Downloaded |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document has been downloaded. |
boolean |
None. |
ParentDocumentId |
Gets or sets the parent document identifier. |
integer |
None. |
Status |
Gets the status text for the document based on other fields. |
string |
None. |
IsSmartDoc |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the document is a smart document. |
boolean |
None. |
Archived |
Indicates whether the document is archived. |
boolean |
None. |
CreatedBy |
Gets or sets the name of the user that created the document. |
string |
None. |
CreatedDate |
Gets or sets the created date of the document. |
date |
None. |
SignatureValidation |
Gets or sets the results of the signature validation of the document. |
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.Signing.SignatureValidationResult |
None. |
ExternallySigned |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the document was externally signed. |
boolean |
None. |
AuthoritativeCopy |
Indicates whether the smart document is an authoritative copy or not. |
boolean |
None. |
PreviousAuthoritativeCopy |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this has previously been an authoritative copy. |
boolean |
None. |
MarkAsAuthoritativeCopyAfterSigning |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document being uploaded will become AuthoritativeCopy after it's finished being signed in a SigningRoom. |
boolean |
None. |
TransferableRecord |
Gets or sets the value indicating if the document is a transferable record. |
boolean |
None. |
IsTransferableDocOrSmartDoc |
Gets a value indicating whether this is an transferable document or an transferable smart document. |
boolean |
None. |
IsAuthoritativeDocOrSmartDoc |
Gets a value indicating whether this is an authoritative document or an authoritative smart document. |
boolean |
None. |
PrintAndSign |
Gets or sets a value indicating if document can be printed and signed. |
boolean |
None. |
ENotary |
Gets or sets a value indicating if the document is an eNotary document. |
boolean |
None. |
SortOrder |
Gets or sets the sort order. |
integer |
None. |
Signable |
Gets the signable type. |
string |
None. |
FolderId |
Gets or sets the folder identifier. |
integer |
None. |
ParentFolderId |
Gets or sets the parent folder id. |
integer |
None. |
ParentFolderName |
Gets or sets the parent folder name. |
string |
None. |
MISMOVersionIdentifier |
Gets or sets the MISMO Version Identifier. |
string |
None. |
SystemDocument |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this document is a system document. |
boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "SmartDocumentId": 1, "CategoryType": "sample string 1", "IsCategoryOne": false, "Profile": "sample string 2", "Type": "sample string 3", "StateType": "sample string 4", "MIN": "sample string 5", "LoanIdentifier": "sample string 6", "StreetAddress": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "PostalCode": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "LoanAmount": "sample string 12", "NoteRate": "sample string 13", "OriginationDate": "2025-03-11T01:50:51.5413657-04:00", "CurrentSmartDocumentRegistration": { "ControllerMERSOrgName": "sample string 1", "ControllerMERSOrgId": "sample string 2", "ServicerMERSOrgName": "sample string 3", "ServicerMERSOrgId": "sample string 4", "LocationMERSOrgName": "sample string 5", "LocationMERSOrgId": "sample string 6", "DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName": "sample string 7", "DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId": "sample string 8", "SecuredPartyMERSOrgName": "sample string 9", "SecuredPartyMERSOrgId": "sample string 10", "SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName": "sample string 11", "SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId": "sample string 12", "SubservicerMERSOrgName": "sample string 13", "SubservicerMERSOrgId": "sample string 14", "RegistryInactiveStatusType": "sample string 15", "Active": true }, "PreviousSmartDocumentRegistration": { "ControllerMERSOrgName": "sample string 1", "ControllerMERSOrgId": "sample string 2", "ServicerMERSOrgName": "sample string 3", "ServicerMERSOrgId": "sample string 4", "LocationMERSOrgName": "sample string 5", "LocationMERSOrgId": "sample string 6", "DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName": "sample string 7", "DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId": "sample string 8", "SecuredPartyMERSOrgName": "sample string 9", "SecuredPartyMERSOrgId": "sample string 10", "SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName": "sample string 11", "SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId": "sample string 12", "SubservicerMERSOrgName": "sample string 13", "SubservicerMERSOrgId": "sample string 14", "RegistryInactiveStatusType": "sample string 15", "Active": true }, "SmartDocumentBorrowers": [ { "SmartDocumentBorrowerId": 1, "DocumentId": 1, "IsSigner": true, "FullName": "sample string 5 sample string 6 sample string 7 sample string 9", "SignerName": "sample string 2", "PowerOfAttorney": { "UnparsedName": "sample string 1", "TitleDescription": "sample string 2", "SigningCapacityTextDescription": "sample string 3" }, "HasSSN": true, "BorrowerId": "sample string 4", "FirstName": "sample string 5", "MiddleName": "sample string 6", "LastName": "sample string 7", "SSN": "sample string 8", "NameSuffix": "sample string 9" }, { "SmartDocumentBorrowerId": 1, "DocumentId": 1, "IsSigner": true, "FullName": "sample string 5 sample string 6 sample string 7 sample string 9", "SignerName": "sample string 2", "PowerOfAttorney": { "UnparsedName": "sample string 1", "TitleDescription": "sample string 2", "SigningCapacityTextDescription": "sample string 3" }, "HasSSN": true, "BorrowerId": "sample string 4", "FirstName": "sample string 5", "MiddleName": "sample string 6", "LastName": "sample string 7", "SSN": "sample string 8", "NameSuffix": "sample string 9" } ], "SmartDocumentSigners": [ { "RoleType": "sample string 1", "DataIdRef": "sample string 2", "SignatureIdRef": "sample string 3", "Level": "sample string 4", "FullName": "sample string 5", "SigningCompleted": true, "DateSigned": "sample string 7" }, { "RoleType": "sample string 1", "DataIdRef": "sample string 2", "SignatureIdRef": "sample string 3", "Level": "sample string 4", "FullName": "sample string 5", "SigningCompleted": true, "DateSigned": "sample string 7" } ], "AuditTrail": [ { "PerformedByName": "sample string 1", "ActionType": "sample string 2", "AuditTrailDate": "sample string 3" }, { "PerformedByName": "sample string 1", "ActionType": "sample string 2", "AuditTrailDate": "sample string 3" } ], "SmartDocumentDataList": [ { "DataPath": "sample string 1", "DataValue": "sample string 2", "FormattedDataValue": "sample string 3" }, { "DataPath": "sample string 1", "DataValue": "sample string 2", "FormattedDataValue": "sample string 3" } ], "SmartDocumentExternalReferences": [ { "Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData": "sample string 1", "FileName": "sample string 2" }, { "Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData": "sample string 1", "FileName": "sample string 2" } ], "SignatureLines": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "SignatureValidationIndicator": true, "ErrorMessages": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "IsRegistered": true, "RegistrationDate": "2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00", "InquiryDate": "2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00", "BorrowerInformationRequired": true, "DocumentId": 1, "ClientId": 1, "SigningRoomId": 1, "DocumentTypeId": 1, "DocumentType": "sample string 16", "DocumentGuid": "sample string 17", "DocumentName": "sample string 18", "Description": "sample string 19", "PageCount": 1, "FileExtension": "sample string 20", "MimeType": "sample string 21", "IsPDF": true, "UDF1": "sample string 23", "UDF2": "sample string 24", "UDF3": "sample string 25", "Signed": true, "SigningComplete": true, "ClientName": "sample string 28", "SigningRoomName": "sample string 29", "HasAnnotations": true, "HasSigners": true, "Reviewed": true, "ReviewingComplete": true, "Downloaded": true, "ParentDocumentId": 1, "Status": "Complete", "IsSmartDoc": true, "Archived": true, "CreatedBy": "sample string 37", "CreatedDate": "2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00", "SignatureValidation": { "Valid": true, "InvalidReason": "sample string 2" }, "ExternallySigned": true, "AuthoritativeCopy": true, "PreviousAuthoritativeCopy": true, "MarkAsAuthoritativeCopyAfterSigning": true, "TransferableRecord": true, "IsTransferableDocOrSmartDoc": true, "IsAuthoritativeDocOrSmartDoc": true, "PrintAndSign": true, "ENotary": true, "SortOrder": 1, "Signable": "eSign", "FolderId": 1, "ParentFolderId": 1, "ParentFolderName": "sample string 45", "MISMOVersionIdentifier": "sample string 46", "SystemDocument": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<SmartDocumentModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Archived xmlns="">true</Archived> <AuthoritativeCopy xmlns="">true</AuthoritativeCopy> <ClientId xmlns="">1</ClientId> <ClientName xmlns="">sample string 28</ClientName> <CreatedBy xmlns="">sample string 37</CreatedBy> <CreatedDate xmlns="">2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00</CreatedDate> <Description xmlns="">sample string 19</Description> <DocumentGuid xmlns="">sample string 17</DocumentGuid> <DocumentId xmlns="">1</DocumentId> <DocumentName xmlns="">sample string 18</DocumentName> <DocumentType xmlns="">sample string 16</DocumentType> <DocumentTypeId xmlns="">1</DocumentTypeId> <Downloaded xmlns="">true</Downloaded> <ENotary xmlns="">true</ENotary> <ExternallySigned xmlns="">true</ExternallySigned> <FileExtension xmlns="">sample string 20</FileExtension> <FolderId xmlns="">1</FolderId> <HasAnnotations xmlns="">true</HasAnnotations> <HasSigners xmlns="">true</HasSigners> <IsAuthoritativeDocOrSmartDoc xmlns="">true</IsAuthoritativeDocOrSmartDoc> <IsPDF xmlns="">true</IsPDF> <IsSmartDoc xmlns="">true</IsSmartDoc> <IsTransferableDocOrSmartDoc xmlns="">true</IsTransferableDocOrSmartDoc> <MISMOVersionIdentifier xmlns="">sample string 46</MISMOVersionIdentifier> <MarkAsAuthoritativeCopyAfterSigning xmlns="">true</MarkAsAuthoritativeCopyAfterSigning> <MimeType xmlns="">sample string 21</MimeType> <PageCount xmlns="">1</PageCount> <ParentDocumentId xmlns="">1</ParentDocumentId> <ParentFolderId xmlns="">1</ParentFolderId> <ParentFolderName xmlns="">sample string 45</ParentFolderName> <PreviousAuthoritativeCopy xmlns="">true</PreviousAuthoritativeCopy> <PrintAndSign xmlns="">true</PrintAndSign> <Reviewed xmlns="">true</Reviewed> <ReviewingComplete xmlns="">true</ReviewingComplete> <SignatureValidation xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns=""> <d2p1:InvalidReason>sample string 2</d2p1:InvalidReason> <d2p1:Valid>true</d2p1:Valid> </SignatureValidation> <Signed xmlns="">true</Signed> <SigningComplete xmlns="">true</SigningComplete> <SigningRoomId xmlns="">1</SigningRoomId> <SigningRoomName xmlns="">sample string 29</SigningRoomName> <SortOrder xmlns="">1</SortOrder> <SystemDocument xmlns="">true</SystemDocument> <TransferableRecord xmlns="">true</TransferableRecord> <UDF1 xmlns="">sample string 23</UDF1> <UDF2 xmlns="">sample string 24</UDF2> <UDF3 xmlns="">sample string 25</UDF3> <AuditTrail> <SmartDocumentAuditTrailModel> <ActionType>sample string 2</ActionType> <AuditTrailDate>sample string 3</AuditTrailDate> <PerformedByName>sample string 1</PerformedByName> </SmartDocumentAuditTrailModel> <SmartDocumentAuditTrailModel> <ActionType>sample string 2</ActionType> <AuditTrailDate>sample string 3</AuditTrailDate> <PerformedByName>sample string 1</PerformedByName> </SmartDocumentAuditTrailModel> </AuditTrail> <BorrowerInformationRequired>true</BorrowerInformationRequired> <CategoryType>sample string 1</CategoryType> <City>sample string 8</City> <County>sample string 11</County> <CurrentSmartDocumentRegistration> <Active>true</Active> <ControllerMERSOrgId>sample string 2</ControllerMERSOrgId> <ControllerMERSOrgName>sample string 1</ControllerMERSOrgName> <DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId>sample string 8</DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId> <DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName>sample string 7</DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName> <LocationMERSOrgId>sample string 6</LocationMERSOrgId> <LocationMERSOrgName>sample string 5</LocationMERSOrgName> <RegistryInactiveStatusType>sample string 15</RegistryInactiveStatusType> <SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId>sample string 12</SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId> <SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName>sample string 11</SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName> <SecuredPartyMERSOrgId>sample string 10</SecuredPartyMERSOrgId> <SecuredPartyMERSOrgName>sample string 9</SecuredPartyMERSOrgName> <ServicerMERSOrgId>sample string 4</ServicerMERSOrgId> <ServicerMERSOrgName>sample string 3</ServicerMERSOrgName> <SubservicerMERSOrgId>sample string 14</SubservicerMERSOrgId> <SubservicerMERSOrgName>sample string 13</SubservicerMERSOrgName> </CurrentSmartDocumentRegistration> <ErrorMessages xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </ErrorMessages> <InquiryDate>2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00</InquiryDate> <IsRegistered>true</IsRegistered> <LoanAmount>sample string 12</LoanAmount> <LoanIdentifier>sample string 6</LoanIdentifier> <MIN>sample string 5</MIN> <NoteRate>sample string 13</NoteRate> <OriginationDate>2025-03-11T01:50:51.5413657-04:00</OriginationDate> <PostalCode>sample string 10</PostalCode> <PreviousSmartDocumentRegistration> <Active>true</Active> <ControllerMERSOrgId>sample string 2</ControllerMERSOrgId> <ControllerMERSOrgName>sample string 1</ControllerMERSOrgName> <DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId>sample string 8</DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgId> <DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName>sample string 7</DelegateeForTransfersMERSOrgName> <LocationMERSOrgId>sample string 6</LocationMERSOrgId> <LocationMERSOrgName>sample string 5</LocationMERSOrgName> <RegistryInactiveStatusType>sample string 15</RegistryInactiveStatusType> <SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId>sample string 12</SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgId> <SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName>sample string 11</SecuredPartyDelegateeMERSOrgName> <SecuredPartyMERSOrgId>sample string 10</SecuredPartyMERSOrgId> <SecuredPartyMERSOrgName>sample string 9</SecuredPartyMERSOrgName> <ServicerMERSOrgId>sample string 4</ServicerMERSOrgId> <ServicerMERSOrgName>sample string 3</ServicerMERSOrgName> <SubservicerMERSOrgId>sample string 14</SubservicerMERSOrgId> <SubservicerMERSOrgName>sample string 13</SubservicerMERSOrgName> </PreviousSmartDocumentRegistration> <Profile>sample string 2</Profile> <RegistrationDate>2025-03-11T01:50:51.5570282-04:00</RegistrationDate> <SignatureLines xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </SignatureLines> <SignatureValidationIndicator>true</SignatureValidationIndicator> <SmartDocumentBorrowers> <SmartDocumentBorrowerModel> <BorrowerId>sample string 4</BorrowerId> <FirstName>sample string 5</FirstName> <LastName>sample string 7</LastName> <MiddleName>sample string 6</MiddleName> <NameSuffix>sample string 9</NameSuffix> <SSN>sample string 8</SSN> <DocumentId>1</DocumentId> <HasSSN>true</HasSSN> <IsSigner>true</IsSigner> <PowerOfAttorney> <SigningCapacityTextDescription>sample string 3</SigningCapacityTextDescription> <TitleDescription>sample string 2</TitleDescription> <UnparsedName>sample string 1</UnparsedName> </PowerOfAttorney> <SignerName>sample string 2</SignerName> <SmartDocumentBorrowerId>1</SmartDocumentBorrowerId> </SmartDocumentBorrowerModel> <SmartDocumentBorrowerModel> <BorrowerId>sample string 4</BorrowerId> <FirstName>sample string 5</FirstName> <LastName>sample string 7</LastName> <MiddleName>sample string 6</MiddleName> <NameSuffix>sample string 9</NameSuffix> <SSN>sample string 8</SSN> <DocumentId>1</DocumentId> <HasSSN>true</HasSSN> <IsSigner>true</IsSigner> <PowerOfAttorney> <SigningCapacityTextDescription>sample string 3</SigningCapacityTextDescription> <TitleDescription>sample string 2</TitleDescription> <UnparsedName>sample string 1</UnparsedName> </PowerOfAttorney> <SignerName>sample string 2</SignerName> <SmartDocumentBorrowerId>1</SmartDocumentBorrowerId> </SmartDocumentBorrowerModel> </SmartDocumentBorrowers> <SmartDocumentDataList> <SmartDocumentDataModel> <DataPath>sample string 1</DataPath> <DataValue>sample string 2</DataValue> <FormattedDataValue>sample string 3</FormattedDataValue> </SmartDocumentDataModel> <SmartDocumentDataModel> <DataPath>sample string 1</DataPath> <DataValue>sample string 2</DataValue> <FormattedDataValue>sample string 3</FormattedDataValue> </SmartDocumentDataModel> </SmartDocumentDataList> <SmartDocumentExternalReferences> <ExternalReferenceModel> <Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData>sample string 1</Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData> <FileName>sample string 2</FileName> </ExternalReferenceModel> <ExternalReferenceModel> <Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData>sample string 1</Base64EncodedExternalReferenceData> <FileName>sample string 2</FileName> </ExternalReferenceModel> </SmartDocumentExternalReferences> <SmartDocumentId>1</SmartDocumentId> <SmartDocumentSigners> <SmartDocumentSignerModel> <DataIdRef>sample string 2</DataIdRef> <DateSigned>sample string 7</DateSigned> <FullName>sample string 5</FullName> <Level>sample string 4</Level> <RoleType>sample string 1</RoleType> <SignatureIdRef>sample string 3</SignatureIdRef> <SigningCompleted>true</SigningCompleted> </SmartDocumentSignerModel> <SmartDocumentSignerModel> <DataIdRef>sample string 2</DataIdRef> <DateSigned>sample string 7</DateSigned> <FullName>sample string 5</FullName> <Level>sample string 4</Level> <RoleType>sample string 1</RoleType> <SignatureIdRef>sample string 3</SignatureIdRef> <SigningCompleted>true</SigningCompleted> </SmartDocumentSignerModel> </SmartDocumentSigners> <State>sample string 9</State> <StateType>sample string 4</StateType> <StreetAddress>sample string 7</StreetAddress> <Type>sample string 3</Type> </SmartDocumentModel>